What is ShibaSwap
Woof Woof & Welcome
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Woof Woof & Welcome
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SHIB, LEASH, and BONE, come together to create ShibaSwap, the next evolution in DeFi platforms. ShibaSwap gives users the ability to DIG (provide liquidity), BURY (stake), and SWAP tokens to gain WOOF Returns through our sophisticated and innovative passive income reward system.
Our platform also allows the ShibArmy to access upcoming NFTs and additional tools, such as portfolio trackers, to make navigating the crypto world simple and intuitive.
We are dedicated to building the best Decentralized Ecosystem (DECO) on the planet. Our three tokens were the seeds from which the Shiba Inu Ecosystem sprouted, and ShibaSwap is how they've dug in their roots.
The goal of ShibaSwap is to provide a safe place to trade your valuable crypto while remaining decentralized. We are loyal to our holders, and that gives us the means to grow exponentially. We will constantly scale this Ecosystem so it may bring ever- increasing interested parties to the ShibaSwap platform.
Our unique tokenomics, solid design, technical implementation, and the viral growth from our good 'ole fashion memes, will reinforce the platform's strength and ultimately provide residual benefits to the Ecosystem.
Making a swap without a budget is a unique challenge, but by tackling various genres and product lines we will build a focused development team from the community.
We know that with our unified force, and the power of Shiba, we will be successful in advancing the Swap and Ecosystem as a whole, so that we reach new and spectacular heights together.
DIG (LP): Provide liquidity as SSLP to earn $BONE and other rewards
FETCH: Migrate liquidity to ear $BONE
BURY (Stake): Stake $SHIB, $LEASH, $BONE to gain returns
SWAP: Swap your ERC-20 tokens for other tokens
BONEFOLIO: Analytics for ShibaSwap
WOOF: Woof your returns, deposit/withdraw LP on pools
ShibaSwap gives users the ability to 'DIG' (provide liquidity and earn yield), 'BURY' (stake), and 'SWAP' tokens to gain 'WOOF(reward) Returns' through our sophisticated and innovative passive income reward system.
Our platform also allows the ShibArmy to access upcoming NFTs and additional tools such as portfolio trackers, to make navigating the crypto world simple and intuitive.
ShibaSwap offers a few key advantages: